Fun day @ Siloso Beach, Sentosa

The main purpose of our visit today is the Sand Sculptures, Sandsation 2017.

I brought my favourite scooter along with me. We took tram from beach station to Siloso beach and stopped right in front of the beach.

Do you want to see how amazing the sand sculptures are?

There are three zones.

Zone 1 – Our Sandsational Singapore (Singapore, Ho Say!)

Zone 2 – Sentosa International Sand Sculpting Championship

Zone 3 – Shifting Sand 2

I had the greatest fun building sandcastles under the sun with my daddy. My little brother had the touch sensation of sand for the first time.

Then we took the cable car Sentosa line as it is free for all local residents from 4th to 10th Sept! The scenery was stunning.

We alighted at Merlion Station to catch a glimpse of our iconic statue.


Fire Station Open House

I am a big fan of fire engines. There is a fire station just opposite our apartment. Mummy found out that the fire station has open house every Saturday morning 9-11am. With much excitement, we visited the fire station last Saturday.

It drizzled a bit, but nothing could stop me. Mummy exchanged her IC for a visitor pass and the fire fighters gave us a warm welcome. They explained everything in details including the fire engines, the sliding pole, their daily routine and many other information. I couldn’t understand a single thing, but I was so fascinated by the fire engine and the fire engine ride was definitely a hit.


Mother’s Day Celebration

This was my mum’s third Mother’s Day. We celebrated it together with grandma together with her birthday. We went to a French restaurant recommended by a native French on Saturday night and then went to a Seafood restaurant in JB, Malaysia for lunch on Mother’s Day.


French Dinner @ Bistro Du Vin Shaw Centre



Mother’s Day Lunch  @ Restoran Todak  Telok Jawa, Masai, Johor, Malaysia 


A red carnation for moms.


Shopping @ Bukit Indah Shopping Centre 


SingKids PlaySystem @ Changi Airport

We live in the west of Singapore. Changi Airport is located in the east. Well, you may say Singapore is anyway a small city/country, a tiny little red dot on the map. The journey to the east by public transport took us 1.5 hours. Still considered quite a long time. 

Today, mummy decided to bring me to an indoor playground in Changi Airport T3 Basement 2, SingKids, a Mr.Bean-themed playground equipped with inflatable set pieces and padded surfaces. I spent a good 2.5~3 hours there. 

I took a photo here. I will protect my country in the future too!  


Since we were already in the east, we had dinner at East Coast Food Court while enjoying the sea view. 



Happy Willow @ Fusionopolis

Mummy saw a Groupon deal for this indoor playground, $8.40 one session (for 9-23mths), so she bought and brought me here to give it a try today. 

It’s a small, cozy and fully equipped playground. Many westerners here on weekday afternoons probably due to its location, Fusionopolis. 

Let’s check out the place with pictures. I had fun but there were many elder children which made me a bit afraid. 

It got very crowded after 4pm. Maybe I should come a bit earlier next time.  




My wordpress blog page just turned 1 year old! 🙂 Wohoo! Celebrate! 🙂


First time at a swing

I went along with daddy for his customer visit today. Mummy and I saw a little playground near the house. So we went to explore the place together. There were two swings for small toddlers. I was so excited to try that out. Mummy thought I would be scared but I proved to her that Koaladidi is a brave boy. In fact, I enjoyed the cool breeze and swung happily for my very first attempt on the swing. 


some kids were playing on the slide and that caught my full attention.



We are a FAMILY

It was our first time wearing Family Tees out like this. Can you feel the love and the strong tie just by looking at us? We had great time in Garden’s By the Bay. Daddy’s shoulder is so stable and strong. The temperature and humidity level was just nice for the afternoon. I met a Japanese boy whom we had amazing communication with each other ( I didn’t know how but it just happened. Lol.) Don’t miss out the Super Trees too! It was Singapore’s National Day two weeks later. Can you see the National flag carried by the helicopters in the backdrop. They were having rehearsal for the parade!





