South Korea (1) – Seoul Children’s Museum 어린이대공원 상상나라

I highly recommend this place to all kids out there. I spent the entire afternoon there to explore the four stories. Less than US$4 per person (above 36months) admission fee is so worth it!

B1: Sensitivity Development Play
1F: Space Play, Art Play and Nature Play
2F: Toddler playground, Imagination Play and Physical Play
3F: Science Play, Culture Play and Family Lounge (where we may sit down to have a drink or some snacks)

A picture is worth a thousand words. Let me show you some photos of mine, and I am sure you will want to visit this place too.

If you walk further in the Children's Grand Park, you will see a mini zoo with elephants, monkeys, bears and many other animals! I was there one and half year ago. So we decided to give it a miss this time round.


Family Trip to Taiwan – Alishan/Kaohsiung (1)

We are flying to Taiwan again. This time, with an additional member, my little brother, and new destinations. The first time I was there, I was only one and half years old. Now, I am a big boy!

The timing of our flight to Kaohsiung is not very pleasant, 6am. We left home around 3.30am and the airport was so crowded. Some people were queuing impatiently, some were rushing as they were late, some seemed to be in good travelling mood. Some kids were sleeping in their prams or carriers, some were curious about what’s going on. My brother and I belonged to the last group. We were both widely awake from 4am to plane taking off despite the fact that we were exhausted and sleepy. 

We have lots of luggage AGAIN as usual. Grandma always like to be prepared at all times and it’s a good thing. We checked in three bags with our clothes (for both cold and warm weather as we are going up the mountain), inflated bath tub, travel sterilizer, milk powder and other essentials. Our carry-on bags included a diaper bag, a foodie bag, my trunki filled with toys and books, a big fridge-to-go to put EBM, pump parts and medicine (all for my younger brother). Ooh ya, and a suitcase of jackets (5 to be exact). Mummy said we might be able to travel light when the two of us were older. 

The plane landed 30 minutes ahead of time. Mummy has booked a car rental services and we started the day with food from FamilyMart. We rented a Touran 7-seater with two car seats. 

First stop was Cijing WanSan seafood! After the sumptuous and value-for-money lunch, we headed straight to Alishan Mountain. 

The trip took more than 3 hours with half of the time driving on winding roads up the mountain. Google map mislead us onto a “walking trail” instead and we finally reached our accommodation, Alishan Youth Activity Centre, before sunset. Daddy must be very tired from the long drive and a lack of sleep. The temperature dropped almost 10 degrees celcius. We had to put on warm clothes and I loved the weather actually. Getteibg dinner here was not easy and mummy was so wise to prebooked a set meal for us in the hotel. Looked fine though tasted so so.