♥︎Koaladidi is turning 1♥︎

How time flies! One year has passed in a blink of an eye with lots of sweet moments and great memories. We celebrated the 1st birthday with family and close friends of daddy and mummy in the function room on Sunday afternoon.

Mummy has settled all the food catering and cake selection, and started pumping balloons the night before with the help of two friends. Yellow, red and blue balloons were ready for the balloon gate. From 9am on Sunday, they went down to the function room to prepare and decorate the place. Daddy is the overall IT in charge. He installed the Gopro camera to record the event, projector for my photos and speaker for the music.

Food arrived. Check
Cake was delivered. Check
Everything was done by 12 noon.
Our guests started coming.

I had lunch and a little nap at home. It’s time for me to dress up and greet the guests! I had a few little visitors around my age too! We played with pool balls and slides. We took many photos to capture this wonderful moment. Even my great grand parents were here with me.

Next year will be a even greater year with more adventures for me!



Late Winter in Sydney Australia (3)

I am still talking about my trip to Sydney in Sept here. Why does it take me three months to resume my writing? It is because my dear mom forgot her password and how to set up the WordPress app on her new mobile phone. It’s alright. Let me continue.

Our itinerary for today was 1) Sydney Fish Market 2) Darling Harbour 3) Sydney Bridge and Opera House 4) Bondi Junction Plaza.

The cool winter breeze was perfect for people from a tropical country. We strolled our way through the Sydney CBD to the Fish Market where we had lunch with the sea gulls. Oysters, prawns, crabs and other Australian delicacies lie nearly on the icy shelf. The seafood here looks so fresh and juicy. You can buy the cooked meal sets or grab the raw ones and get them to cook in a way you want.








The cheapest way to have a full view of the Sydney Bridge and Opera House from the sea would probably be taking a public ferry from Darling Harbour. The last time daddy and mummy took a jet boat which was definitely faster and more costly.







We had a bit of photo session here just like all the tourists in Sydney. How I wished I could walk. Nevertheless, I still crawled joyfully up and down the stairs at the Opera House. Then we headed back to Bondi to have dinner. For your information, it was STEAK again!

